Romanian ‘Coalition for Family’ gets 1.3 million signatures for constitutional ban of gay marriage

Feb 5, 2016 by

From  ActMedia:

The Coalition for Family of 23 non-governmental organizations has gathered more than 1,350,000 signatures in favour of an amendment to Romania’s Constitution, which would define the marriage as the consensual union of one man and one woman, it announced on Wednesday on its Facebook page. Mihai Gheorghiu, president of the Coalition’s initiative committee, confirmed the news.

The relevant draft law, with the justification and the advice of the Legislative Council, was published in the Official Gazette on 25 November 2015. It proposes the rewording of Article 48, paragraph 1 of the Constitution as “The familiy is based on a consensual marriage of one man and one woman, on their equality, and on the parents’ right and obligation to provide for bringing up, educating and training their children.”
The 16-member initiative committee includes Orthodox, Catholic, Greek Catholic, Baptist and Pentecostal believers.

Article 150 of the Constitution allows amending it if at least 500,000 citizens with voting right support a specific modification.

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