Terry Waite: After 5 years in solitary confinement, what did he learn?

Aug 3, 2017 by

by Harry Farley, Christian Today:

Terry Waite is a giant of a man.

His physical presence, his intellect, his sense of self-awareness and how he reflects on his experiences – there is an aura that commands respect.

It takes something special for more than 500 people to remain utterly silent in a stuffy, overcrowded marquee in a muddy field in Somerset. But at New Wine, an evangelical Christian festival, silent they stayed for more than an hour as Waite, a former envoy to the Archbishop of Canterbury, spoke of lessons learnt in his five years of imprisonment, solitary confinement and torture in Beirut.

Speaking to Christian Today afterwards the refrain he comes back to is the creativity that comes out of suffering.

Left for 1,763 days, most of which were without human contact, in his cell for 23 hours, 50 minutes a day, Waite wrote his book Taken on Trust in his head during that time.

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