The Anglican Christian Resistance, & the resignation of Lorna Ashworth

Nov 12, 2017 by

by Gavin Ashenden:

When Lorna Ashworth resigned her place in General Synod and the Archbishops’ Council, she did more than just leave. She issued a challenge to other orthodox Christians in the Church of England. It is a painful and pointed challenge, so perhaps it’s no surprise that it has been the first instinct of many to misread what she did and lament her going, while ignoring the challenge.

They are saddened by what she did, but are still keeping their eyes and ears closed as to what it meant.

Part of the power that lies in her resignation and the depth of the challenge it poses, is the regard in which Lorna is held.

She is a clever, transparently good woman, powerful in her integrity and clarity of purpose. She is just the kind of person feminists hate. She is a rebuke to the whole thrust of feminist propaganda. Here is someone who has no problems with masculinity, no fear or jealousy of it, no bitterness or anxiety, no need to engage in the secular neurosis of power-play, but is dignified, potent and to the feminist project, dangerous.

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