Why is There No Balance or Impartiality in TV Drama or Soap Operas?

Apr 10, 2016 by

By Peter Hitchens, Mail on Sunday:

If you want to change someone’s mind, don’t bother arguing with him. Get control of a major TV or radio soap opera and you are halfway there. I would love to infiltrate the scriptwriters of Coronation Street and insert a storyline about a bright young teenager who starts smoking cannabis and ends up hopelessly mentally ill, stuck on a locked ward as his weeping parents wonder why nobody did anything to enforce the drug laws.

Or EastEnders might feature the misery and disappointment of a bright child from a poor home, who was bullied and neglected in a vast state comprehensive and so had her hopes ruined by egalitarian dogma.

Or the BBC Radio 4 series, The Archers, might tell the story of an innocent couple targeted by social workers claiming falsely that they had abused their child, and snatching that child away forever in secret and deeply unfair court hearings.

If you want to change someone’s mind, don’t bother arguing with him. Get control of a major TV or radio soap opera and you are halfway there

All these things happen in real life. But, of course, the broadcasting organisations, being in the hands of the Left, would not do this.

They are too busy re-educating us into right-on citizenship of our new people’s republic, with lesbian kisses to approve of, incest to be understanding about, a male- to-female transsexual (played by a real woman) and other heroes and heroines of Left-wing mythology to admire.

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