A Review of Evangelicals at the Crossroads: Will We Pass The Trump Test? By Michael Brown.

Jul 31, 2020 by

by Bill Muehlenberg, CultureWatch:

This year’s American presidential election may be one of the most important ever. The differences between the two main parties and their vision for America could not be greater. The Republican vision under Donald Trump seeks to affirm America’s greatness – even despite its various faults. The Democrat vision is to fundamentally remake America into its own radical left image.

Those who are familiar with American Christian commentator Michael Brown will know his views on such matters. In addition to numerous columns on these issues, he had penned a book back in 2018 on this: Donald Trump Is Not My Savior: An Evangelical Leader Speaks His Mind About the Man He Supports as President.

From his various writings it is clear that Brown worships one person only: Jesus Christ. But he is realistic about our political and social climate, and he understands that how he votes will make a real difference. Indeed, how we all vote will make a massive difference in a few months’ time.

He seeks to explain why this election is so crucial, and why a vote for the Democrats will be so detrimental to Americans and to America itself. In this volume he offers 17 short, punchy and well-referenced chapters dealing with a number of concerns, such as:

“Since When Was Loyalty to Trump the Dividing Line for Christians?”
“Does Character Still Count and Does Morality Still Matter?”
“Does a Vote for Trump Really Hurt Our Witness?”
“What Would Bonhoeffer Do?”
“What If Hillary Had Been Elected?”

Consider his chapter on “Since When Was Loyalty to Trump the Dividing Line for Christians?” He notes that both Trump supporters and Trump opponents can use their views on Trump as some sort of litmus test for Christian orthodoxy. Neither should be the case, and he urges us to insist upon biblical balance.

He closes this chapter with these words: “We can vote for Trump and support his presidency without doing so blindly. And we can stand with the president without becoming like the president. There’s quite a difference between the two.”

Read here

Read also: Gender and Sexuality in the 2020 Election by David Closson, The Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood

and (from a different perspective) Biden and Evangelicals – and Catholics too by Ron Sider



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