Abortion decriminalisation is a real threat

Feb 24, 2024 by

by James Mildred, Christian Today:

One of the biggest changes to abortion law for 50 years could be about to happen.

In a few weeks’ time, politicians at Westminster could well be asked to vote on one of the biggest change to abortion law in England and Wales since the Abortion Act was passed in 1967.

At least one amendment to this end has been tabled to the UK Government’s Criminal Justice Bill. The aim of this amendment is to remove criminal penalties for women regardless of the gestation of the pregnancy.

It is important to be as clear as possible about what this would mean. Firstly, you need to know that the 1861 Offences Against the Persons Act makes it illegal to provide an abortion and to get one.

What the 1967 Abortion Act did was set out a range of exemptions to this legislation. Under the ’67 Act, abortion is legal under five possible grounds. Most abortions take place pre-10 weeks, with an upper-limit of 24 weeks. An abortion may be granted in cases of serious handicap up to birth.

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