Advent Meditations: Sunday 13 December

Dec 13, 2020 by


Dec 13
am: 63, 98
pm: 103
Is 61.1–4, 8–11 1 Thess s 5.16–24 John 1.6–8, 19–28

Third Sunday of Advent: The Scriptures for this Gaudete Sunday proclaim the essence of this Latin salutation in no uncertain terms: Rejoice! There is much to rejoice in as we consider the word beginning with the Prophet Isaiah. The present order is going to be turned upside down for the least the downtrodden and the have-nots. We will have an advocate, an anointed one who will change the present order. Of course, every age perhaps has felt those words resonate with their place and time but certain in midst of global pandemic, a crisis of economics, health, and faith. These words are most timely.

They shall build up the ancient ruins, they shall raise up the former devastations; they shall repair the ruined cities, the devastations of many generations.

These are important words to hear for us where people feel such devastation. The Lord God will equip us through his Son Jesus Christ for us to be rebuilt and in turn we will rebuild what God has given us. This is a message of great hope: the blind receives their sight and the lame walk, infected virus patients cleansed while the poor will have good news preached to them”. The message is so timely for us amidst COVID 2020 going into 2021; the dawn of our own redemption is drawing near. In a world spiraling out of control with fear and illness there is a joyful hope to know that the pains of this world do not have the final say in life.

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, you know that our hearts long for the joy and gladness promised by life with you through you beloved Son. Help us to remember that you are with us always, and that our hearts will rest only when they rest with you. Gracious God, even though we are impatient and fearful of living our lives, we trust we are as one with you. Let your joy, ease our anxiety, reward our patience, and remove any sorrow. Give us the grace to await the day of your Son’s birth eagerly and joyfully. AMEN

Discipline/Activity -Gaudete SundayRose Sunday is the day that custom has it that we begin to decorate our homes for the holydays to come. This is the day the Christmas Tree was cut down and brought to the family home. With decorations being put up on the tree for the next 12 days but the Christmas lights brought out on the Feast of St. Lucy which is tomorrow (transferred) Also consider hosting an online have Gaudete party. But instead of rejoicing because Jesus is born, we rejoice in God’s promises and what God has in store for us and connect with each other mindful of social distancing needs)

ANCIENT WISDOM/PRESENT GRACE:Joy is a quiet gladness of heart as one contemplates the goodness of God’s saving grace in Christ Jesus.”- John Calvin, 16th Century Continental Reformer of the Faith




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