Advent Meditations: Tuesday 22 December

Dec 22, 2020 by

Dec 22
am: 66, 67
pm: 116, 117
Isa 11:10-16 Rev 20:11-21:8  

Luke 1:5-25

ON THE CALENDAR –  St. Ernan of Hinba , 6th Century Monk

O King of the Gentiles -O ANTIPHONS OF THE DAY King of the Gentiles and the Desired of all, you are the cornerstone that binds two into one.  Come, and save man whom you fashioned out of clay

Ernan  was uncle of St. Columba, and one of the twelve who accompanied him from Ireland to Iona. St. Columba appointed him superior of the community which he himself had established on the island of Hinba, where the great Irish Saints such as St. Comgall, St. Columba, St. Brendan, and St. Cormac, came to him and made retreat there.


MEDITATION: Today’s Gospel speaks to us about the visit of the angel Gabriel to Zechariah. We should note that the first message of the angel of God to Zechariah is: “Do not be afraid!” WE live in a world now gripped by fear and for some they even think if there is a God he is to blame and should be feared. But the rest of the message from the angel should offer us a wider vie: “Your prayer has been heard!”
We desperately want our prayers to be hear. Prayers for an effective vaccine. For food. For job security. For peace amidst violence.

Of course prayers are not just idle wishes they must be accompanied with faith and hope that has a conviction in the God of Heaven and earth being, God with us, not God removed distantly from us. Elizabeth, Zechariah’s wife had this conviction, but for Zechariah this was initially a bridge too far too cross. The idea that in their old age they would have a child was absurd to them and that he would be instrumental in laying the pathway for the Messiah was ridiculous.

Certainly, God can change the course of human destiny but by agency of our free will we have to be open to the path offered. As we move toward the feast of the Nativity are, we closer in temperament to Elizabeth or Zechariah. � Are we going to offer ourselves to the will of God or wait for him to make his case�


PRAYER: Lord, God, while no angel announced our birth, as did your servant John, we know that You loved us and that like him You call us to prepare the way. Given us an open Spirit like Elizabeth and to rejoice like Zechariah as we hope in the future and await your kingdom. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen


SPIRITUAL DISCIPLINE /ACTIVITY Seek out women today you know who are expectant

mothers and their spouses. Offer to them a ministry of hospitality and care they would

appreciate in this holy season. Send a card offering prayers with the intercession of

Hannah, Elizabeth, and Mary.


ANCIENT WORDS/PRESENT GRACE: “What did John want for himself? Why was he interposed? Concerning Whom was he sent ahead? For this reason, John was great, and to his greatness even the Savior bears testimony when He says, there has not appeared on earth a man born of woman greater than John the Baptist (Mt 11:11). He surpassed and excelled everyone; he excelled the prophets, he surpassed the patriarchs.”– St. Caesarius of Arles, Bishop,  470 AD


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