Am I an Islamophobe? Yes, for these reasons

May 8, 2024 by

by Kathy Gyngell, TCW:

I THINK it was my inner recoil, a sense of total and instinctive alarm, at this picture of the traditionally attired Mothin Ali celebrating winning a seat on Leeds City Council by shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’ (not exactly the rallying cry of a British patriot) that made me ask myself the question: am I Islamophobic? It took me but seconds to answer and decide, yes, I am, and a few more seconds to silently add ‘for good reason’. I felt the same sense of unease and apprehension when the overall results revealed that seven British cities and towns now boast Muslim mayors, an observation Laurence Fox was brave enough to highlight on Twitter over the weekend.

[…]  It really makes British Islamic scholar Anjem Choudary’s outlandish- sounding prediction that ‘Democracy will most likely be replaced by Islamic Sharia law in the UK, Belgium and France within 15-20 years’ begin to look as though it could be accurate.

As far as I am concerned that is quite definitely something to fear. This is not the Britain I want for my grandchildren. It took Mark Steyn to nail it, though. Commenting on last week’s council elections, he noted that the most important development was not on the ‘right’ (the defection of a respectable chunk of the Tory vote to Farage’s Reform UK party) but on the left, the defection of a significant chunk of the Muslim vote away from Labour (some going to George Galloway’s Workers’ Party, others to Islamo-Greens such as Mr Ali or to independent candidates): ‘What all the alternatives have in common is that they’re more explicitly Islamic – and at their victory parties there are no women and no non-Islamic men’.

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