French athletes’ hijab ban under the spotlight as Olympics opens in Paris

Jul 26, 2024 by

from Religion Media Centre: The French Olympics sprinter, Sounkamba Sylla, who feared she would be unable to take part in tonight’s opening ceremony because she wears a hijab, has reached a compromise and is wearing a cap. France has...

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Islamic Threats Against Parisian Catholic Church

Jul 22, 2024 by

By Hélène de Lauzun, European Conservative. Desecrations of Catholic places of worship in France have increased exponentially in recent months. Most recently, a church in Paris was vandalised using acts of extreme violence. The...

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Police investigate fears ‘undue’ spiritual influence was used in general election

Jul 19, 2024 by

by Camilla Turner, Telegraph: In June The Sunday Telegraph revealed concerns about imams in Leicester East exerting spiritual pressure over Muslim voters. Police are investigating whether “undue” spiritual influence was used during the...

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Islamic Marriage

Jul 13, 2024 by

by Ayaan Hirsi Ali: My Warning to Young Women. The religious composition of the British parliament is not what it once was. Last week, many prominent Christian MPs like Fiona Bruce, Therese Coffey, and Miriam Cates lost their seats to...

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The sinister truth about the ‘Gaza independents’

Jul 12, 2024 by

by Charlotte Littlewood, spiked: An election tainted by Islamist intimidation has invited some unsavoury characters into parliament. […]  Clearly something is deeply wrong with the political climate in this country. Much of it is...

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Where next for The Muslim Vote?

Jul 10, 2024 by

from Christian Concern: Head of Public Policy Tim Dieppe analyses the Islamic influence on the Election. This election saw a new phenomenon in UK politics: a coordinated campaign to get Muslims voting en bloc exclusively on Islamic...

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