Apostasy and Revival: How the Church of England Is Being Replaced by a More Godly Anglican Church

May 5, 2023 by

by Brett Murphy, Caldron Pool:

In February 2023, the General Synod (a church parliament of sorts) of the Church of England gathered together to vote on the single most divisive issue to face the Established church in decades: the blessing of same-sex relationships in churches.

Much could be said about how the bishops pushed this plan on the synod in a rather disingenuous manner but that is a bit of a moot point now as the blessings were approved by a slim majority in the houses of clergy and laity, and by a vast majority in the house of bishops.

Most tragic was that in the lead-up to the synod, many bishops came out (pun intended) in favour of altering the church’s doctrine and practices on human sexuality and when it came time to vote the House of bishops was overwhelmingly in favour of approving these apostate blessings and defying God’s word. Even many bishops who had claimed to support traditional marriage played turncoat with God’s word voting in favour of introducing gay blessings. Of the 50 bishops who sit on General Synod, only four rejected the proposal to bless same-sex couples.

[…]  For decades there has been a near-total vacuum of biblical discipline in the CofE, all manner of heretics and lunatics have been permitted to be ordained and run riot as a successive cavalcade of smaller compromises on God’s Word and traditional doctrine have entered the church since the sexual revolution of the 1960s, from women’s ordination to remarriage of divorcees.

False doctrine is almost never addressed as prescribed in the New Testament and, through relentless entryism activists have been able to infiltrate the halls of power across this once-great ancient church. Sexuality may be the presenting issue but it is merely the symptom of a far more deadly disease: an abandonment of understanding God’s word as infallible, inerrant and authoritative.

All throughout the LLF process, we were told we must seek to hear the voice of God by listening to the experiences of LGBTQ+ churchgoers, and that concept belies the underlying problem! People’s feelings and experiences were placed higher than the bible. God has already spoken, He has made Himself clear on the issue of human sexuality and all other topics. Whilst people’s emotions are important in a pastoral sense, they can never be allowed to supplant the scripture, to be the foundation of doctrine nor to lead us to defy God.

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