Arguing with the Gay Mob on Twitter

Sep 14, 2018 by

by Austin Ruse, Crisis Magazine:

I am now three days into a wild and woolly debate, of sorts, on Twitter about the creation of homosexuality as a new category of being.

When last I checked, there are almost 1,000 comments, many of them vulgar, some of them threatening, hardly any demonstrating real knowledge about the issue, only Tourette’s-like grunts and burps of outrage and political correctness.

I am not sure how it happened, but on some thread about Donald Trump, I was moved to say, “Homosexuality was invented in the eighteenth century.” I did get the century wrong. It was actually more recent, the nineteenth century.

A few years ago, Michael Hannan, who is now known as Frater Urban at the Norbertine Abbey of St. Michael in California, wrote two brilliant essays at First Things showing how harmful are the categories of “heterosexual” and “homosexual.” He argued against any notion of “sexuality.”

Hannan wrote, “Contrary to our cultural preconceptions and the lies of what has come to be called ‘orientation essentialism,’ ‘straight’ and ‘gay’ are not ageless absolutes.”

He argued that over the centuries the West had largely given up “Christianity’s marital architecture for human sexuality.” And then 150 years ago “began to replace that … with a new creation: the absolutist but absurd taxonomy of sexual orientations.”

Heterosexuality was invented as a category in order “to serve as this fanciful framework’s regulating ideal, preserving the social prohibitions against sodomy and other sexual debaucheries without requiring recourse to the procreative nature of human sexuality.”

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