Britain’s Jews fear for their lives because Sir Mark Rowley is a weak coward

Apr 24, 2024 by

by Allison Pearson, Telegraph:

While other nations show strength and resolve in the face of the Islamist menace, our police have shamed themselves.

You don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone. Recently, I was invited to sit in on a Zoom debate with members of the National Jewish Assembly (NJA). The motion was: “This Assembly believes that the Jewish community has a long-term future in the UK.” NJA chairman Gary Mond called first one speaker then another. Some of them were elderly and not familiar with the technology (“You’re on mute, Alan. Unmute!”). Most of them had lived in Britain their whole lives; a few had distant memories of fleeing persecution. But all of them, I think, had a tribal muscle memory of what this moment might mean; should we stay or should we go?

The faces on my screen looked anxious, weary, perturbed, agitated, desperately seeking reassurance.

A younger bearded guy was clearly irate. Anti-Semitism had surfaced from the dripping caves of the internet and was stalking the streets of their capital city. Vast pro-Palestine marches, which had taken place at least every other weekend for six months, began when the corpses of the victims of October 7 were still unburied. The scarcely credible butchery of young festival-goers, women and children counted for nothing apparently. That very first protest was not a reaction to Israeli aggression because there had been no invasion of Gaza. It was Jew-hatred, pure and simple.

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