Broken families that the Left couldn’t care less about

Jul 7, 2018 by

by Laura Perrins, The Conservative Woman:

Last weekend, the Leftists in the US joined #KeepFamiliesTogether marches in response to the practice of separating adults who had illegally entered the country from their children. This separation was due to a combination of dodgy court decisions and Trump cracking down on illegal immigration.

I have explained the difficult decisions that must be made in relation to immigration and I believe that if at all possible families, even those who cross the border illegally, should be kept together and those that have been separated should be reunited.

However, it does stick in the throat somewhat, it does make me want to smash my computer to smithereens, when I see the no-border Leftists pretend that they are now the champions for the family.

Here are a few examples of the Leftists not giving two figs for the plight of their fellow Americans when their families start falling apart.

Read here


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