Call for a Faiths Commissioner to strengthen links with government

Sep 15, 2023 by

from Religion Media Centre:

Labour MP Sir Stephen Timms says he will continue to campaign for the government to engage a Faiths Commissioner, to strengthen relationships with faith groups. The idea was suggested in the report “Keeping the Faiths”, produced by the APPG on Faith and Society, which he chairs. Until a few months ago, Colin Bloom was the government’s Faith Engagement adviser, but he has not been replaced since he stepped down. Sir Stephen said the Labour party had made no commitment to appoint a Commissioner as yet, but he was continuing to press for it. He anticipated faith groups would contribute more to political thinking in the run up to the general election.

West Midlands signs “Faith Covenant” between local government and faith groups

Sir Stephen was speaking at an online meeting organised by Faith Action during its “Faith in Partnership” week, on the opportunities and challenges for cross-sector partnership in Britain. Speakers described how faith groups gave front-line support during the Covid pandemic and this is continuing in public services, but needs to be put on a more stable footing. There was a call for the frequent roundtable discussions between government and faith groups during the pandemic to be revitalised.  Faith Action has promoted closer relations between faith groups and local government through the signing of a Faith Covenant. Last night West Midlands Combined Authority became the latest to sign, at a multi faith event in Walsall.


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