Can the C of E plant new churches and retain the parish system?

Jul 26, 2021 by

by Ian Paul, Psephizo:

There has been a rather heated debate in the last few weeks about new church-planting initiatives in the Church of England, particularly with recent reporting of an initiative called Myriad, and its partnership with the Gregory Centre for Church Multiplication. The Gregory Centre describes itself in these terms:

The Gregory Centre for Church Multiplication supports leaders, church teams and diocese across London, England and beyond as they multiply disciples, churches and networks.

CCX is led by the Bishop of Islington, the Rt Revd Ric Thorpe. In 2015, Bishop Ric was consecrated as the Bishop of Islington in order to support the Diocese of London’s goal of creating new worshipping communities across the capital.

We’re part of the Church of England but work with many denominations and networks.

The heated debate centred around some comments about church planting made by John McGinley, whom I know through New Wine and his leadership of Holy Trinity, Leicester. I had a chance to talk to John about his own faith, church planting, and the Church of England.

Read here

Read also: Myriad Statement from Bishop Ric Thorpe

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