In Search of the Self

Jun 27, 2024 by

By John F Doherty, Public Discourse. Our culture’s crisis of the self is a crisis of faith in our personhood; its cause is our ignorance of the God who best reveals what a person is. Self-expression now preoccupies the thoughts of a large...

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‘Live My Truth’: The Gospel in an Age of Privatized Faith

Jun 21, 2024 by

By Trevin Wax, TGC. When you overhear conversations that touch on something spiritual, you’ll often hear two words come up: “For me.” They rush in as soon as the discussion turns toward claims about truth and falsehood: “For me, there is...

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Women are latest victim of identity politics at Oxford University

Jun 20, 2024 by

By Eric Kaufmann, UnHerd. “the museum is a textbook case of institutionalised Left-liberal extremism. It blends critical theory tropes such as “decolonisation” with the radical Left-liberal embrace of “emotional safety”.”...

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Why Fight? A Civilization Not Worth Dying for Is Not Worth Living for Either

Jun 17, 2024 by

By Rod Dreher, European Conservative. “The collapse of Christianity as the animating force in Western civilization has brought us to this point. Secular values are simply not enough to motivate a people to live sacrificially to...

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Mere Anglicanism and the Challenge of a New Morality

Jun 8, 2024 by

by Jeffrey Walton, Juicy Ecumenism: Amy Orr-Ewing has a story to share about visiting a series of four British schools alongside the Archbishop of Canterbury, amongst a majority of students who have never darkened the door of a church....

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God Is Dead. Long Live the Gods: What the Early Church Can Teach Us About Living in a Pagan World

Jun 7, 2024 by

By Stephen O Presley, TGC. “I call myself a cultural Christian, but I’m not a believer,” stated the famed atheist Richard Dawkins in a recent interview with Rachel Johnson of LBC News. “I love hymns and Christmas carols, and I sort of...

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