An Explainer for Evangelicals: Here’s Where the Catholic Church is Headed on LGBT Issues

Dec 6, 2023 by

By Zachary Mettler, from Daily Citizen (Focus on the Family) Christians who believe in a biblical sexual ethic may be concerned over several stories that have emerged out of the Vatican in recent weeks. Their concerns are not without...

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Churches backing traditional marriage are cut loose by their bishops

Oct 7, 2023 by

By Julian Mann, TCW. TODAY’S Prayer Book Epistle reading is a powerful call to Christian unity centred on the revealed truth of the gospel rather than on artificial institutional unity. Writing to the Christians in 1st century Ephesus,...

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Where Are We Going and Where Have We Been?

Oct 6, 2023 by

By Peter Jones, Truthxchange. (Prof Jones shows how todays ‘alternate’ sexuality has a pagan spiritual basis) The cultural conflict is no longer simply political. The economic value of socialism or capitalism is no longer the...

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Catholic Archbishop of Mombasa decries official recognition of Kenyan gay-rights group

Sep 20, 2023 by

By Ngala Killian Chimtom, Catholic Herald. A leading Catholic prelate in Kenya, who’s set to take part in a Vatican Synod of Bishops next month, has objected to a ruling by the country’s Supreme Court allowing a gay rights group to obtain...

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Christian leaders in Ghana resist Western imposition of sexual rights agenda

Sep 1, 2023 by

From Catholic Herald. Faith leaders support African nation’s right to preserve cultural and religious values in face of threats to international funding, reports Ngala Killian Chimtom for Crux YAOUNDÈ, Cameroon – Religious leaders in...

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Canadian politicians standing up for parental rights face serious backlash from trans activists

Aug 31, 2023 by

by Jonathon Van Maren, LifeSite: New Brunswick Premier Blaine Higgs and others in political office support parents and appear to be standing up to vocal opponents. As I noted in this space earlier this week, Canada finally appears to be...

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