Islam, sectarianism and the General Election

Jul 8, 2024 by

by Gavin Ashenden, Christian Today: If you were asked which was the sixth largest political party in the UK, bigger and more successful than the Green Party or Plaid Cymru, equal to the DUP and Reform, in which direction would your guess...

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Jess Phillips reveals the moral cowardice of the elites

Jul 8, 2024 by

by Brendan O’Neill, spiked: Why won’t anyone in the establishment be honest about the threat posed by Islamic sectarianism? A rabbi rounded on by a mob and denounced as a ‘snake’. An election candidate hounded off the streets by...

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The successful Muslim Vote campaign is a snapshot of the future of British politics

Jul 6, 2024 by

by Rakib Ehsan, Telegraph: No one anticipated how many pro-Gaza independents would be elected to Parliament. Much of the focus on the 2024 general election will be on Labour’s landslide, the impressive Liberal Democrat performance, and...

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The impact of “The Muslim Vote”

Jul 5, 2024 by

by Ruth Peacock, Religion Media Centre: Sunder Katwala has tweeted an analysis of the impact of The Muslim Vote on Labour’s vote share, in constituencies with a high proportion of Muslim voters. It suggests the vote has gone down by...

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Hamas faces growing public dissent as Gaza war erodes support

Jul 4, 2024 by

by Lucy Williamson & Rushdi Aboualouf, BBC: The man in the video is beside himself, a mask of anguish radiating through his bloodied face. “I am an academic doctor,” he says, “I had a good life, but we have a filthy [Hamas]...

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Islam in British democracy and the dangers to our Jewish neighbours

Jul 4, 2024 by

By Gavin Ashenden, Catholic Herald. For the first time, this 4 July a British General Election will be fought in part over Islamic ideology. There are currently four constituencies where Muslims constitute over 50 per cent of the...

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