Marriage, Family, and Happiness

Jul 26, 2024 by

by Rick Plasterer, Juicy Ecumenism: Marriage and the family has historically been the bedrock of society, but for many today, encouraged by elite opinion, these things are regarded as an optional extras. Brad Wilcox, Professor of...

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More marriage would tackle prison overcrowding

Jul 24, 2024 by

by Tony Rucinski, Coalition for Marriage: As the Government prepares to release thousands of prisoners early due to overcrowding, a Times columnist has warned that the role of fatherlessness and family breakdown in driving the rise in...

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The CofE hasn’t changed its doctrine on marriage

Jul 19, 2024 by

by Ian Paul, Premier Christianity: It’s still one man and one woman. Despite what some have suggested, the CofE has not changed its teaching on marriage, says Dr Ian Paul. He explains what has – and hasn’t – happened,...

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New Government sparks fear among marriage supporters

Jul 17, 2024 by

by Tony Rucinski, Coalition for Marriage: Sir Keir Starmer has been in office less than two weeks and the evident shift in support for LGBT ideology amongst senior Government figures is already sparking concern from real marriage...

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Islamic Marriage

Jul 13, 2024 by

by Ayaan Hirsi Ali: My Warning to Young Women. The religious composition of the British parliament is not what it once was. Last week, many prominent Christian MPs like Fiona Bruce, Therese Coffey, and Miriam Cates lost their seats to...

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Real marriage supporters – you are not alone

Jul 13, 2024 by

by Tony Rucinski, Coalition for Marriage: Dr Lisa Nolland runs “Marriage, Sex and Culture” a group that enables supporters of real marriage to interact online and via regular meet-ups. She joins me to discuss why the group exists and how...

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