Tell the Truth – SPUC’s campaign to expose the human cost of DIY chemical abortions

Jun 6, 2020 by

from SPUC: On 30 March 2020, The Secretary of State for Health and Social Care approved two temporary measures to allow women to self-administer medical (chemical) abortions at home, without meeting with a medical professional in person....

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The silence of the lambs – stop being silent!

Mar 16, 2018 by

By Bill Muehlenberg, CultureWatch. As we are reminded in Ecclesiastes 3:7, there is “a time to be silent, and a time to speak”. Silence can be golden at times, and often we need to learn when to zip the lip. But of course at other times...

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We should be reducing the abortion time limit, not extending it

Feb 28, 2016 by

By Pippa Jones, The Conservative Woman: UK abortion provider BPAS has launched a campaign to legalise abortion-on-demand, up-to-birth, for any reason. Parliament is considering debating the issue. For more information on this see here....

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