Critiquing gender ideology is not violent

Aug 20, 2021 by

from Christian Concern:

Andrea Williams was invited to speak to the Italian Senate in June 2021 on how equality law affects freedom of speech and religious belief. She comments on how UK equality laws harm free speech by protecting some characteristics more than others.

The United Kingdom is facing a free speech crisis, largely due to misguided equality laws. These laws lead to sex or gender identity being elevated above people’s beliefs or freedom of speech. These laws make trans and gay people no safer from physical attacks, they only protect them from good people saying they disagree with them.

[…]  These are just a few of the better-known cases. How did the United Kingdom become a country where Christian, traditional views on marriage, sexuality and gender became sackable offences?

We believed the lie that criticism or disagreement with transgenderism or a person’s sexuality is responsible for violence against those people.

To be completely clear, we should condemn acts of violence against people, for whatever reason. But no one willing to physically attack another person stops to consider whether they are breaching equality law.

Free speech isn’t violence. There is a vast difference between critiquing gender ideology and inciting violence.

Attacks against trans people, or gay people, don’t happen because a parent questions what their child is being taught at school. They don’t happen because a ten-year-old objects to the ideology they are being taught or because someone researches gender de-transition.

Equality laws that elevate people’s sexual or gender identities to be free from criticism are ineffective at tackling real world problems. But they are very effective at punishing well-meaning, reasonable people who happen to disagree with LGBT ideology.

Our Equality Act is supposed to protect people from discrimination based on their age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation. On paper, it sounds fair and reasonable. But in practice, it has led to a hierarchy where sexual orientation and transgenderism is kept safe from criticism and Christian, traditional views have little to no protection.

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