‘Dangerous’ assisted suicide Bill tabled in Scotland

Mar 28, 2024 by

from The Christian Institute:

People in Scotland with a terminal illness could feel pressurised to kill themselves under a new assisted suicide Bill tabled today.

The Assisted Dying for Terminally Ill Adults (Scotland) Bill, which was put forward by Lib Dem MSP Liam McArthur, would allow doctors to help adults to kill themselves “if they have an advanced and progressive disease, illness or condition from which they are unable to recover and that can reasonably be expected to cause their premature death”.

The law would exclude adults without the capacity to consent, and says doctors must be satisfied the person is not being coerced. However, critics have said the safeguards are inadequate.

‘Individual lives are devalued’

Dr Gillian Wright, spokesperson for Our Duty of Care, an alliance of healthcare professionals, said: “Currently the law prohibits the intentional taking of life by an individual or by the state. Why is that? Because of the incredibly high value and worth that society places on all human life, without exception.

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