Don’t be deceived by the media’s pro-immigration child exploitation

Jun 30, 2018 by

by Jules Gomes, Rebel Priest:

[…]  To this day, I cannot forget what I saw when I was six – a child being separated from his parents. A man with a sack walked through the slums in Mahim, Mumbai. He stopped outside a hovel, picked up a child, threw him into the sack and walked away.

 I froze, traumatised with terror, unable to cry or scream or call for help as I watched from the window of our first floor apartment. In India, children snatched from their parents are sold to gangs who cripple them and force them into beggary.

To this day, I cannot forget what I saw later in life – a British working class grandmother who sat weeping through a service at the Old Royal Naval College Chapel, Greenwich, where I served as Chaplain. She accosted me at the door after the service and blubbered like a child about to break down.

She was holding pictures of three beautiful children. Her partner told me her story. Social Services (SS) had forcibly removed her grandchildren from her care. She was looking after her grandkids in lieu of her alcoholic daughter, but the SS wouldn’t let her even see the kids any longer. The SS were giving one child to a gay couple for adoption, despite grandma’s objections. We did our best to help her reconnect with her grandchildren, but the State had kidnapped them.

So when American’s leftwing media erupted into hyper-hysteria over Trump separating immigrant children from their parents and cruelly caging them in ‘Nazi concentration camps’ and ‘Japanese internment camps’, my hermeneutic of suspicion went into overdrive.

‘Since when does the Left care so much about keeping the family together?’ I asked myself. After all, one of the primary goals of the Left is the destruction of the family. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels ‘usually wrote about the destruction, dissolution, and abolition of the family,’ observes historian Richard Weikart.

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