Episcopal Presiding Bishop Frank Griswold is dead

Mar 7, 2023 by

by David Virtue, VOL:

When Frank Tracy Griswold ascended the throne to become the 25th Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church in January 1998, he promised to unite church members and usher in a new age of tolerance, offering enlightened progressive views that would carry the church into the new millennium. He promised then to be “a presiding bishop who belongs to all..

However, his was a history of broken promises except to the pansexualists. He lobbied hard for their full acceptance in the Episcopal Church, a battle he fought and won.

But seven lean years later, Griswold had united nobody and nothing, and his promise to be a presiding bishop for all was hysterically laughable, if it wasn’t so damnably tragic.

In 2004, The Episcopal Church stood on the edge of being publicly reprimanded if not thrown out of the Anglican Communion for doctrinal and moral infidelity. Griswold himself was personally shunned by the vast majority of African, Asian and Southern Cone Primates.

Griswold showed himself to be a bald-faced liar to his fellow Primates, (over the Gene Robinson consecration) a moral compromiser and doctrinally fluid leader of a rapidly diminishing church that was busy bludgeoning its orthodox wing into the ground by his gang of blitzkrieg revisionist bishops. (The last orthodox bishop to be flogged in office was Bishop Bill Love of Albany, New York.)

Within the Episcopal Church itself, at least three movements sprang up to challenge the revisionist steam-roller lead by Griswold – The American Anglican Council, The Network (NADCP) and the Anglican Communion Institute. A fourth movement, Forward in Faith, the traditionalist wing of the ECUSA was reinvigorated for the battle with two priests consecrated bishops.

Because of his pro-homosexual stance, Griswold was forced to resign as Episcopal chairman of the U.S. Episcopal-Roman Catholic Dialogue Committee (ARCIC) talks. The Russian Orthodox Church publicly rebuked him publicly, and most of the Anglican Communion’s African Primates told him he was not welcome to step foot in their dioceses.

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