Evangelistic Carol Services in Derby and Hull: Report and video

Dec 12, 2018 by

Report on the service at Derby Cathedral by Neil Barber.

Glory to God in the Highest!

Thank you to everyone for praying for the Derby Uni CU Carol Service on Sunday 9th December.

Expectation was in the air. Friends had been invited. Would they come? This was the second year of the Derby Uni CU organising their own carol service and the venue this time was Derby Cathedral, right in the heart of Derby City. As the clock got closer to 6pm the trickle of arrivals became a steady flow until about two hundred people had gathered.

The warm welcome was given at the start by the Sub Dean of the Cathedral who also pronounced the benediction at the end. In between, the mix of contemporary and traditional seemed to fit the occasion well, with beautiful music provided by the Cathedral choir, accompanied by the organ and for a couple of items a three-piece band. Hearty singing of the story of the Christ’s birth in all the well-known carols made a joyful noise. The carols were complemented visually by careful signing from the Uni British Sign Language Society.

A 3rd year member of the CU told his story to the congregation, testifying clearly to God’s saving grace in bringing him to faith in his late teens and the Vice President of the CU guided the congregation through notices about the work of the CU. The preacher, Revd Neil Barber, spoke from Luke 2 v14 about our need for peace with God and explained how peace with God is only available through the atoning death of the Prince of Peace thirty-three years after his birth.

In the region of 140 students turned up, which means on average more than two guests for every member of the CU. (Really well done Derby Uni CU for inviting your friends and flyering halls of residence.) The remainder were friends and family interested in the CU and a small number from the normal Cathedral congregation.

Hundreds of mince pies were consumed over refreshments afterwards and a ‘Tenofthose’ tract, “Christmas Cracker”, distributed on the door. The Gideons had been invited and gave away 150 Bibles on the door as people left!

In only in its second year, Sunday night built on the great start of last Christmas. Derby Uni CU are to be congratulated that despite all sorts of challenges and obstacles they got the gospel out to their mates this Christmas in word and song through the Carol Service – and glory belongs to God in the Highest.


See also: Revd Melvin Tinker, originally invited to preach at Derby, preached instead at St John’s Newland, Hull.





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