Hell, and how to escape it

Dec 13, 2020 by

by Peter Mullen, The Conservative Woman:

AFTER Death and Judgement, we peer into Hell. Most people today regard this subject as rather quaint. Many are personally offended by the concept of Hell – primitive, medieval and superstitious as it is. And now that no one accepts the Ten Commandments, what might you possibly be sent to Hell for? Hate crimes, putting your waste in the wrong recycling bin, global warming denial, criticising Bob Dylan and John Lennon. And what used to be regarded as mortal sins are now only lifestyle choices.

Let’s leave theology and consider simple logic. If we cannot speak of sins any longer, neither can we speak of virtues. If no one is ever to blame for anything, then praise is impossible too. The very idea of success must include the idea of failure. Where there is no possibility of punishment, the idea of rewards is meaningless. Unless, of course, you speak for the Department for Education which says that all shall run and all shall win prizes; in these Covid days prizes are awarded even to non-runners.

But God said, through his prophet Moses, See, I have set before thee this day life and good, death and evil, therefore choose good that thou mayest live. Morality is not just a matter of opinion: there are very definite acts which are good and others which are evil. So next time you come across a coterie of moral relativists, spiritualised vegetarians and wafflers about human beings’ essential goodness, call to mind G K Chesterton:

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