Here comes the new tribalism

Jul 30, 2021 by

by Peter Mullen, The Conservative Woman:

THE establishment in Europe of constitutional monarchy with an elected parliament – or of a republic with a president and an elected house of representatives or/and a senate – took 1,000 years.

It was evolutionary and with many hiccups along the way. Most importantly, and contrary to our irrational ideas of ‘progress,’ this developmental process can go quickly into reverse.

All that is required for government by consent to be overthrown is for enough people to withdraw their consent. The rioting, looting, arson and all the other symptoms of anarchy are already endemic in the USA, where they will get worse.

What are these things except the old tribalism in a new guise?

Our populations are even now withdrawing their consent because they are accepting the tenets – really, superstitions by diktat – of the new tribal leaders. Accept ‘diversity’ – or else! Accept the whole LGBT+ sewer – or else! Accept the overarching mythology of ‘climate change’ – or else! Rewrite history – or else!

But ‘a people without history is not redeemed from time’ – Little Gidding, by T S Eliot

Already the penalties for resistance are loss of your reputation and with it your job and all your prospects. The new word for this is, appropriately enough, ‘cancelled’.

You can be fined and put in jail. These are mild punishments compared with what tribal chiefs can inflict when they – totally convinced of their moral authority and with all the powers of our inherited legal system to back them up – put their minds to it and really get into gear.

Experience teaches us that the next stage in this revolution is that the new ruling tribes start to fall out among themselves.

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