Home education consultation: please respond

Jun 9, 2019 by

from The Christian Institute:

The Government is holding a consultation on requiring home educating parents in England to register their child with the local authority.

This could undermine the legal principle that the ultimate responsibility for educating children lies with parents, not the state.

Christian parents come to different conclusions about how to educate their children. The overwhelming majority choose state education; some are able to opt for the independent sector. A small but increasing number choose home education.

For many parents there could be circumstances where they might want to take their child out of school and educate them at home, perhaps on a temporary basis. It might be that a school has repeatedly failed to tackle bullying. Maybe a child develops a medical condition. Or perhaps a school relentlessly undermines the values of the home.

At present the law rightly recognises that this decision is up to parents. Compulsory registration could erode this. Please respond before the consultation closes on Monday 24 June.

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