If pedophiles ruled the world

Jul 12, 2023 by

by Kimberley Ells, Mercator:

With the sobering and inspiring film Sound of Freedom hitting theatres this week, we are faced with the reality that there is a huge appetite for child sex throughout the world. While Operation Underground Railroad is fighting the child sex movement, there is an international effort pushing it forward in the name of “children’s rights”.

Here is a crucial piece of background. In 1983, two members of the Pedophile Information Exchange (PIE), a pro-pedophile group, were interviewed for Newsnight. In the interview (watch it here), pedophile Steven Adrian said:

  • “Our political objectives include developing a society where children are given a much higher status than today, where they’re recognised as individuals in their own right and this includes recognising their right to certain sexual freedoms.”
  • “It’s an obligation on society to see that children are given a far more comprehensive sexual education from a far earlier age.
  • “Pedophiles develop a mutual sexuality with the child. It’s an entirely reciprocal relationship… A child is able to recognise a pleasurable experience. He’s able to recognise a pleasing emotional experience. He’s able to express consent and to recognise that this is something he wishes to continue. And the responsible, caring pedophile always refers to the wishes of the child.”

When PIE disbanded after popular outrage, Adrian declared that “the ideas behind it will continue to survive.” Was he right? Through my work at the United Nations over the past decade, I’ve seen that the fulfilment of these three pedophile objectives on the global level is unmistakable.

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