Inverted Red Triangles

Jun 17, 2024 by

by Peter Harris, The New Conservative:

The late Anglo-American writer, Christopher Hitchens, once declared to journalist Alice Fordham the following: “My attitude to posters with swastikas on them has always been the same. They should be ripped down.”

Hitchens was right: the swastika is viscerally provocative. Not for Hindus, of course, for whom it is an ancient symbol of good luck and prosperity. But when viewed through its appropriation by the Nazis as a symbol of racial superiority and purity, that is when it riles.

Unfortunately, a new symbol that roils or rattles depending on whether you are its witness or target, has recently snaked its way into the West. I am talking about the inverted red triangles that were liberally daubed recently on the front of Anne Pasternak’s home. Accompanying the triangles was a banner on which was dabbed this message: ANNE PASTERNAK BROOKLYN MUSEUM WHITE SUPREMACIST ZIONIST. Beneath the caption and in lower case was the supposed clincher: ‘Funds genocide’.

Yes, you guessed it: Pasternak is Jewish. She also is the director of the Brooklyn Museum that has a corporate partnership with the Bank of New York Mellon which by its own admission has small investments in the Israeli arms manufacturer Elbit Systems. According to New York City Mayor, Eric Adams, the residences of several Brooklyn Museum board trustees were also targeted.

People have the right to protest lawfully in public spaces, but no one has the right to damage property whether public or private and intimidate people in their homes. These vandals have also displayed ignorance of considerable magnitude. Let us consider their ignorance first.

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