Islam and the left: an ungodly alliance

May 24, 2024 by

by Campbell Campbell-Jack, TCW:

WHY IS it that the further left Westerners move, the more likely they are to embrace the militant advocates of sharia law? We have seen this played out in the streets of every major European and American city; tens of thousands of Leftists ranging from well-meaning liberal-minded citizens, to indoctrinated students, to rabid rent-a-mob protesters from the Socialist Workers Party, all marching arm-in-arm with militant supporters of Hamas. It’s straightforward: they share a distrust, even loathing, of the West, especially those remnants of Christianity clinging on in an increasingly deranged society.

The ‘Turkeys for Christmas’ ‘Queers For Palestine’ presence on these marches demonstrates how bizarre this alliance is. Hamas is many things, but queer-friendly is most definitely not one of them. Islamist-governed nations have ways of dealing with what they see as the homosexual problem, public hanging being one method popular in the Middle East. And yet the desire to ally with those opposed to the traditional culture within the West is so overwhelming that these queer white Leftist idiots side with the very people who, if they came to power, would murder them all without hesitation.

Doubtless many of those blocking the streets in protest against Israel’s military action in Gaza genuinely care about the plight of the Palestinian civilians being used by Hamas as human shields. However, it is clear that many of the protesters are associating with very dark forces, Islamists and many on the far Left sharing an ideological commitment to anti-Semitism. Some student protesters, particularly in the US, have gone so far as to praise Hamas and to openly call for burning Tel Aviv ‘to the ground’.

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