I’ve been appalled by the assaults on traditional family values at this election

Jul 4, 2024 by

by Isabel Oakeshott, Telegraph:

We claim to be a more tolerant society, so why is the nuclear family under threat?

When Gilbert Baker originally created the Pride flag, it had eight colours. Hot-pink fabric was hard to find in the 1970s, so in due course, the design was whittled down to six stripes. One of these – indigo – represented harmony.

Tragically, gay activist Harvey Milk, who challenged Baker to come up with a symbol of pride, did not live to see the modern-day version of Baker’s creation. Though Milk’s legacy lives on, the pioneering US anti-discrimination campaigner was gunned down in 1978 at the age of 48 in San Francisco. As a result, we will never know what he would make of the latest iteration of Baker’s flag: a bewildering array of circles, arrows, and colours that do not appear in real rainbows.

What we do know is that, while the purple “harmony” stripe is still a feature, the debate surrounding LGBTQIA+ has become ever more toxic. We just had Pride Month and modern-day Britain is much more accepting of all manner of sexual orientations. But the chief beneficiaries of this dramatic cultural shift have become alarmingly intolerant themselves. The people LGBTQIA+ activists can’t abide? Those who espouse traditional family values, especially Christians.

As divorce and family breakdown have become more commonplace, multiple studies have examined the impact on children, comparing and contrasting outcomes for youngsters brought up in single-parent households with those lucky enough to grow up in a nuclear family. While there is widespread consensus that a solid single-parent able to provide a happy and stable environment is far better for a child than married parents in a toxic or chaotic relationship, evidence of the merits of the traditional family unit for children is overwhelming.

The LGBTQIA+ community seems to hate this fact, and anyone who talks about it. Emboldened by an ever-growing army of corporate and political cheerleaders, they appear to want everyone to sign up to a single, approved view of sex, sexuality and what is best for our children – although not Muslims, whose views on such matters are respected or ignored for fear that the Muslim community will cry “Islamophobia”.

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