Jewish university chaplain forced into hiding

Feb 12, 2024 by

By David Barrett and Sabrina Miller, Daily Mail:

He received hundreds of death threats against him and his family over his role as IDF reservist.

A Chaplain at Leeds University was forced into hiding with his young family yesterday after receiving death threats over his role as an IDF reservist.

Rabbi Zecharia Deutsch, wife Nava and their two children were moved to a safe location on police advice amid a shocking hate campaign.

Pro-Palestinian campaigners have accused Rabbi Deutsch of ‘genocide’ after he returned to Israel after Hamas‘s October 7 terror attacks to serve in the Israeli Defence Force.

He resumed his chaplaincy duties last month, leading to an escalation in anti-Semitic threats on campus.

On Thursday evening, the hate campaign intensified with ‘hundreds’ of malicious calls to the family, including threats to kill Rabbi Deutsch, to rape and kill Mrs Deutsch and to murder their children.

[…] It comes amid skyrocketing levels of anti-Semitism on British university campuses and around Europe.

The University Jewish Chaplaincy (UJC) said: ‘We are deeply shocked and appalled by the despicable torrent of horrific anti-Semitic hate and threats of violence being directed at Rabbi Deutsch and his family.

‘We are in constant communication with Rabbi Deutsch, and our primary concern is to ensure his and his family’s ongoing safety, and the safety of Jewish students at Leeds University.

‘To find ourselves in this situation in the UK in 2024 marks a dark day for British Jews.’

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