Letter from Australia 44 – Cummings, Compassion, and a Chilling Video

May 25, 2020 by

by David Robertson, theweeflea:

There are times when you are asked a question that is really just an accusation. “Why are you commenting on the UK? You don’t live here anymore…you ran away”. There is no point to responding personally to such an accusation – the person concerned has no real interest in the answer to that question – because they already think they know it. Sadly much of ‘dialogue’ on social media is of that type. It’s so depressing to see – even more so when Christians join in with the same level of vitriol – and even worse for me when I fall into that particular trap – even when I don’t mean it. Apologies to any of you who read this – if I have ever behaved in that way to you.

[…]  Should He Stay or Should He Go?

Take for example the current Dominic Cummings saga.   Yesterday I put on the BBC news and expected to hear about Covid 19 deaths (thankfully on the way down), the troubles in Hong Kong, the threats of famine in Africa, the corruption in Brazil, or the US Presidential elections.   With all that going on in the world – what was the number one issue?   The fuss about a government advisor driving from London to Durham to give his child to his parents whilst he and his wife self-isolated in a cottage there besides themI That was incredible. But it was the social media that stunned me. The abuse, hatred, vitriol and anger from the likes of Alastair Campbell (a government advisor whose lies sent us to war and helped create ISIS), Piers Morgan and numerous of the Twitterati was stunning.   Lots of people, from Tory MP’s, Labour opponents and the SNP Westminster leader Iain Blackford saw their opportunity to get revenge on a man they hate. And the press sense blood  They set in place a full-scale lynch mob – and its not just online. Going by this we are not that far away from a public lynching.

[…] A Lawless Society?

In a civilized society where the rule of law prevails – when a law is broken, the police are involved and charges are brought and then processed through the legal system.   Someone is presumed innocent until proven guilty. But in today’s UK as we move away from our Christian foundations we are becoming a society where the law is determined by the mob – where opinionated, self-righteous, self appointed guardians of morality like Piers Morgan, set themselves up as judge, jury and executioners.   Who needs the law? Who needs due process? We have Twitter, the Guardian, the Daily Mail and Facebook.   I have no candle to hold for Dominic Cummings but I am just sickened to see what is happening in my country.   I am glad to be away from such a cesspit of moralistic self-righteousness and hypocritical grandstanding. The UK has become a country where neighbour spies on neighbour – in a manner the Stasi would be proud of me – and journalists think a man visiting his parents is a more important story than thousands dying.

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