Losing faith in our police

May 25, 2024 by

by Julian Mann, Christian Today:

When I rang Northamptonshire Police about the allegation that one of their officers had threatened to disrupt a committee meeting of democratically elected local councillors, a recorded message told callers that they may be asked about their “protected characteristics” under the Equality Act.

Christian Concern’s legal arm is supporting a complaint by Conservative councillor Anthony Stevens to the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) about the alleged behaviour of Northants police officers.

Christian Concern said on May 20 that the complaint launched by Cllr Stevens, 51, from Wellingborough, called for an investigation into the “methods, motives and conduct” of officers at Northamptonshire police.

“The evidence included a series of incidents where officers openly stated that they wanted to ‘remove’ Cllr Stevens as an elected councillor because of his free speech beliefs,” the organisation said.

“The story involves arrests, interrogations, media censorship, and collusion between police officers and Labour party activists.”

The Mail on Sunday had already broken the story of the IOPC complaint a day earlier: “Anthony Stevens, a Conservative councillor in Northamptonshire, was arrested last year after posting an image from a video – first revealed by The Mail on Sunday – of a Christian preacher having his bible wrested off him by police in the street.

“The father of two was held for nine hours, during which he was also quizzed about his online support of another politician (King Lawal, a Conservative member of North Northamptonshire Unitary Council) who criticised gay pride events. Mr Stevens, 51, a member of Wellingborough Town Council, was released and later told that no further action would be taken against him.”

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