Mother to take major pro-life case to European Court of Human Rights

May 9, 2020 by

from Right to Life:

The use of criminalised free speech zones (‘buffer zones’) around abortion clinics will be challenged at the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), by a mother who received pro-life help the zones criminalise.

Earlier this year, the UK Supreme Court refused to hear the legal challenge against Ealing Council’s Public Space Protection Order which criminalises offering emotional and practical support outside the Marie Stopes International abortion clinic in West London.

Alina Dulgheriu had wanted to challenge the criminalised free speech zone after receiving support from pro-life campaigners outside an abortion clinic several years ago – support which led to her keeping her unborn baby, Sarah.

Alina launched a legal fight against the Council’s Public Space Protection Order in April 2018 because she wants other potential mothers to receive the same help she was offered, and because it prevents the help some women need to escape an unwanted or coerced abortion.

The High Court accepted that her rights to freedom of expression and freedom of assembly had been infringed, but ultimately upheld Ealing’s criminalised free speech zone.

The Court of Appeal had granted permission for the challenge to be appealed, but also sided with Ealing Council in a ruling last year.

The UK Supreme Court’s refusal to hear Alina’s case means her only legal option is to take her case to the ECHR.

Today, it was announced, Alina’s legal team are working on her application to the European Court of Human Rights, which marks the final court of appeal for her case. ECHR judgements affect around 800 million people across Europe, including the United Kingdom.

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