Our cold, cruel future

Jul 4, 2022 by

by Laura Perrins, TCW:

YESTERDAY the Sunday Times ran an article headed ‘It’s time to think about taxing the childless’, containing some policy proposals by Paul Morland, a demographer at St Antony’s College, Oxford and the author of Tomorrow’s People: The Future of Humanity in Ten Numbers. Well, you can only imagine how this went down with Sunday Times readers, those ‘double income no kids’ people, or at most ‘double income one kid’ crowd. They were not happy, dear reader, not happy at all, which no doubt caused the headline to be changed online to ‘Should we tax the childless?’ 

[…] However, there is something else going on here, and it is this. Healthy societies value children. Christian societies do not create a hostile environment for families. Authentic conservative governments do not create economic conditions that punish traditional families, something this Tory regime of anti-family terror has presided over for the last 12 years. Normal societies don’t need to be reminded that you need children to have a future. For Britain the numbers are in and they are terrifying: the number of under-fives in England and Wales fell by 7.6 per cent between 2011 and 2021 to 3.2million.

The trouble is that we don’t live in a healthy, normal or Christian society and we certainly don’t have a conservative government. We have a government that serves special interests, and we have a society that has been dominated by hyper-individualistic and feminist thinking for about 50 years. Sometimes the feminist thinking can be pro-children, most the time it is not.

Healthy societies do not abort their unborn children by the hundreds of thousands each year. Healthy societies don’t poison the relation between the sexes, and abandon all adult responsibility to them when they are young, leaving them at drink-drenched parties where the young men assault the young women with impunity.

Healthy societies do not equate unions between two men or two women, which are by definition infertile, with marriage between a man and a woman which can produce children. Healthy societies do not hold marches celebrating one of the seven deadly sins. Only sinister societies think that getting drag queens (previously only ever adult entertainers) to read Goldilocks to young kids in the library is a sign of progress. Only crazy societies do these things, only societies that embrace a culture of death do these things. A collapse in the fertility rate will follow as night follows day, dear reader: it is a symptom of your rotten society, not a cause.

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