Please sign the petition “Increase Funding for End of Life Care”

May 17, 2024 by

At the suggestion of a member of our church five of us developed a petition to provide an alternative to the assisted dying petition which got 100,000 signatures and prompted a debate on the matter in Parliament recently.  The petition is now on the Government website. If it secures 10,000 signatures the Government is pledged to respond.  Please could you consider signing it and ask others to as well? Signatories are not made public.

The petition reads:

Increase funding for end of life care

We want the Government to increase funding for end of life care. All human life has value. We think that accessible and fully funded palliative care would show respect for this value.

We would like the Government to increase funding for this within the social care system as we think that the current standard of palliative care is not sufficient.

We cannot imagine that we can live in a world where anything inconvenient can be swept away. Let’s fix what is broken in the knowledge that we are all valued within our society.

The link to sign it is here

(UK residents only)

See Christians launch ‘alternative’ petition to counteract assisted dying services by Heather Preston, Telegraph

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