Public schools across the US and Canada have gone off the rails in promoting sexual libertinism

Jun 23, 2023 by

by Jonathon Van Maren, LifeSite:

A presentation by Planned Parenthood to students that included an ‘A-Z’ of sex is just one example.

It gets incredibly tiresome to see a nonstop stream of stories detailing how sex and sexuality is being taught in public schools on the one hand, and the deceit and gaslighting coming from the politicians and the press on the other.

A recent debate over what books might be appropriate in Manitoba public schools, for example, was presented as a debate between “book-banners” on one side and human rights activists advocating toleration on the other. Not a single newspaper writing about the story was willing to publish photos of the content parents objected to, which featured graphic, detailed illustrations of people of various genders in various sexual positions.

To ignore the content of the very resources at the center of the debate is to be breathtakingly dishonest. But the reason for this is obvious. If the journalists writing the story thought that publishing the content in question would help their case, they would have done so — but they knew it would not. They knew that your average parent would be appalled to see what was being taught to children.

So, let’s be reasonable. Consider the following stories — just from this past month alone — and ask yourself: Is this normal? Is it possible that we have gone way too far in our attempt to inculcate sexual libertinism in students? Could average, common sense parents be concerned without being “bigoted” or “hateful?”

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