Religion, abortion and the cowards who can’t bear to let children think for themselves

Nov 15, 2017 by

by Julie Lynn, The Conservative Woman:

What is it about parents of schoolchildren in my part of Kent? They seem to be perpetually ‘concerned’. The front page of my local paper is emblazoned with the headline ‘Grammar girls told “abortion is wrong”,’ a story about parents’ complaints following a Year 11 RE lesson in which abortion was discussed. It seems their 15-year-old daughters were given a ‘one-sided’ view on termination during what the local paper has decided to term ‘the controversial lesson’.

Only last month there was a bit of a to-do when a Church of England primary school in the neighbouring town (oh all right, Tunbridge Wells again) had mums and dads apparently moaning about something similar. It turned out that parents felt that Crossteach, a Christian group invited into the school, had been upsetting children by teaching them about sin. One parent is quoted as saying that the little ones were told that if they did not believe in God, they ‘would not go to a good place when they died’, that ‘men can’t marry men’ and that there was some sort of destruction of a model boat during an assembly to demonstrate the power of God. We can’t know if this was actually said or done, or how ideas were expressed, short of a recording being produced. The result anyway is that the group which these parents describe as ‘extremist’ and promoting ‘potentially damaging ideology’ has been banned from the school. Head teacher Dan Turvey was forced by these campaigning parents to put out a letter explaining that Crossteach would no longer be leading school assemblies or taking any lessons. Mr Turvey said in a statement that he was ‘deeply saddened’ by having to take the step and Crossteach did not ‘deserve the tarnishing of their good name and allegations of extremism’.

Crossteach happens to be the education charity that has landed itself in hot water at the grammar school as well, this time over what it might have been saying about abortion. Once again ‘a concerned parent who did not wish to be named’ (funny how they never feel they can stand up and be counted for what is so alarming them at schools they’ll have fought tooth and nail to get their children into) said the girls were told ‘abortion was wrong in all circumstances bar one – when both the mother and child’s life is at risk – there was no attempt to give a balanced view.’

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