San Francisco Pride Parade features public nudity around kids

Jul 2, 2024 by

by Jon Brown, Christian Post:

The recent San Francisco Pride Parade featured nude adults walking around in front of children and a “Fetish Zone” where men urinated on each other in a kiddie pool and performed other sex acts.

Multiple reporters on the ground over the weekend posted graphic footage on X of the annual event that receives millions in donations from corporations and civic organizations in San Francisco. The ATF and FBI also participated in the parade, according to footage obtained by TENET Media.

TENET Media field reporter Taylor Hansen interviewed multiple nude men on the street who attempted to justify their public nudity in front of children as natural and sometimes even good for them.

“None of the crybabies and parents who complain about it can ever explain exactly how a child is harmed by seeing the human body, and every study that’s been done on the subject shows that it’s not harmful. Children who grow up with it are more well-adjusted,” said one naked man who described himself as “a nudist and an artist.”

“I think that kids are born naked and that as long as there’s not any kind of sexuality added to it, that it’s just nude. That’s all it is,” another man said, who removed his towel to expose himself mid-way through the interview.

A 9-year-old girl Hansen spoke to recounted how she saw a man wearing a Darth Vader helmet and cape “with nothing else,” which she said made her feel “grossed out.”

Two naked men who described themselves as “non-binary” and “pan[sexual]” also made light of the nudity.

“Just in general, sex work is OK, so is being nude in public. San Francisco’s kind of all about that,” the man who identified as non-binary said.

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