Scientists, the false idols of a faithless land

Nov 15, 2020 by

by Peter Simpson, The Conservative Woman:

BRITAIN is in desperate need of spiritual direction. Liberal secularism has fashioned the national mindset in such a way that responses to national crises are now totally different in character from, say, those which prevailed during World War Two.

While I am not likening the pandemic to the grave adversity of war, the comparison has undoubtedly been made. So let us examine the current response to the coronavirus in the light of how the nation dealt with the affliction of war. I would argue that the virus has exposed the deep spiritual void in our contemporary national life, whereas during the war, although the nation’s spiritual condition was far from thriving, there was still a general acceptance of the concept of God’s providence overruling in the affairs of men.

Faced with a powerful enemy in the form of Nazi Germany, society understood that military might and strategy were not the only answers, but that there was also a need to seek the aid of the Almighty, He who determined the outcome of wars. Even the politicians publicly acknowledged this. As a result the war witnessed no fewer than 12 national days of prayer, all widely supported throughout the land, and this revealed that society still broadly appreciated the words of Psalm 20:7 – ‘Some trust in chariots, and some in horses, but we will remember the name of the Lord our God.’

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