Sir Jeffrey Donaldson: One of Northern Ireland’s most senior politicians on the future of the country and how his leadership is grounded by his Christian faith

Nov 4, 2021 by

by Marcus Jones, Premier:

The man who could become the most senior politician in Northern Ireland has told Premier how his approach to politics and leadership is grounded by his Christian faith.

Sir Jeffrey Donaldson took over the leadership of the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) earlier this summer after previous leader Arlene Foster stood down and her replacement Edwin Poots lasted just three weeks in the job.

As a serving MP in Westminster, Donaldson is unable to take over as Northern Ireland’s First Minister but will look to stand down from his role as an MP in order to take up the national role next year.

Donaldson, who has served as an MP for almost 25 years is unashamed about talking about the role his Christian faith plays in his life.

Speaking as part of Premier Christian Radio’s Nation’s Day focusing on the Church in Northern Ireland the Republic of Ireland, he described how it impacts his working life day to day.

“My approach to politics and leadership is grounded in my Christian faith and I think that each day, I’m reminded of the strength of that faith and how it helps to sustain me in the challenges and decisions that I face on a daily basis.

“I have a motivation and a desire to help people. To meet them at their point of need. That is very much at the heart of my politics – being able to do things that can transform the lives of others and can bring about change.”

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