State sponsored social terrorism

Jul 10, 2018 by

Petition from Voice for Justice UK:

In a speech at the Pride reception at Downing Street on July 3rd, Prime Minister Theresa May proudly announced, ‘We will continue our investment in programmes to tackle homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying in schools, protecting LGBT students and making acceptance and understanding the default.’  She went on to say, ‘A country that works for everyone is a country where nobody faces bigotry or violence because of who they are.’

Well, we have news for Mrs May: this is not a country that works for everyone.  At least, not if you’re Christian, because in the UK today Christians are facing unacceptable levels of bigotry and violence from LGBTQ and transgender activists, who appear to think that by labelling ‘Hatred!’ any views that call into question their rebranded, 21stcentury view of morality, they can say and do whatever they want.  Even to the extent of rewriting the fundamental tenets of Christian faith, as set down in the Bible.

The Government, however, clearly wants to go a lot further.  On the same day as the Pride reception in Downing Street, they launched a consultation into reform of the Gender Recognition Act 2004 – with the stated aim of helping transgender people who want legal recognition, but have so far not applied because they find the current process too bureaucratic, expensive and intrusive (
To spell it out, they are consulting over implementation of gender self-identification, with the goal of eliminating any and all need for medical oversight.

Is this going to affect freedom of belief and of speech?  Too right it is!

Allowing transgender people to self-identify without any kind of supporting medical evidence can only progress the relentless drive to normalise what up to now, with good reason, has been labelled aberrant behaviour. And we should be concerned, because it will further undermine and potentially criminalise Christian belief, which says unequivocally that God created us male and female.  Because of which, to someone of faith, biology can’t only not  be overturned, but matters.  Hugely. Under Theresa May’s self-avowed drive to celebrate the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender communities, while silencing the bigots, therefore, Christian faith will be categorised as discrimination.

What next in this brave new world?  Will the Government exclude all Christians from public office by law? Will it reintroduce flogging for quoting Levicitus or Romans?

We would remind Theresa May that the UK is still  a Christian country.   Our laws, culture, and democracy are founded on Christian belief.  Yet now, all that once made Britain great is threatened by ideological totalitarianism that will not allow expression of any dissent –even when founded on belief, science, or clear medical risk.  This flies in the face of democracy.

People have an absolute right to choose their preferred mode of life, in so far as it does not incite violence or cause harm to others.  Christians have an absolute right to practise and express their faith.

Please sign and share as widely as possible our petition to the Prime Minister, the Rt Hon Theresa May MP, calling for an end to the prioritisation of LGBT rights over Christian rights to belief and free speech.

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