The baby bust: how Britain’s falling birthrate is creating alarm in the economy

Jul 4, 2024 by

by Phillip Inman and Jedidajah Otte, Observer:

Costs, the climate crisis and choice are all factors in a demographic revolution presenting huge challenges for government.

The falling birthrate threatens a disaster so costly no politician dares think about it

Having children has become an unaffordable luxury for many of her generation, says Vanessa, a 35-year-old project manager living in Brighton.

“My friends who managed to start a family, without exception, all received large sums of money from their parents to get on the property ladder. For those of us not fortunate enough, we are trapped in the rental market, largely with insecure, poorly paid employment.”

Vanessa’s outlook is also clouded by concerns about the climate crisis, crumbling public services and the “plummeting mental health of young people”, she says. “Put these into the mix and you have a perfect storm for declining birthrates.”

Her decision is replicated worldwide. The number of women of child-bearing age is in long-term decline across Europe, parts of Asia, South America and the US, a situation made worse by the steep drop in the number of women, and their partners, who either want or are able to have children.

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