The Beautiful Story

Nov 16, 2020 by

from the Church of England Evangelical Council:

Christians believe that the gospel is good news for all people and for all time. But since the narratives of our contemporary culture don’t always echo a biblical worldview, the church needs to be clear about how the gospel challenges and transforms human experience – including in our relationships and sexuality. The Beautiful Story is a 30 minute film that explains how a biblical vision for human sexuality is good for individuals, the church and society as a whole. It is intended to galvanise and support discussion in local churches around sexuality and relationships and to provide the case for what many call a traditional Christian viewpoint.
It has been made by the Church of England Evangelical Council (founded by John Stott and others) – a network of networks that connects the majority of evangelicals in the Church of England. The contributors include bishops, clergy and well known lay leaders – all of whom recognise that the church has not always got things right in the area of relationships and sexuality and who share in this film both from their personal experience and from their biblical convictions.
Film Chapters:
0:00 Introduction
2:44 A Better Story
6:38 True Humanity
9:01 Fulfilled Sexuality
13:28 An Attractive Story
16:25 Right Repentance
18:37 Real Clarity
22:18 Harmful Implications
24:30 The Shape of the Future
27:08 Unite
28:16 Engage
An accompanying leaflet (with a ‘road map’ of the video and discussion questions) is available from the CEEC website
To meet up with Church of England evangelicals in your area, please contact your local Diocesan Evangelical Fellowship (via the CEEC website
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