The ‘born gay’ myth is dead

Jun 16, 2023 by

by Paul Huxley, Christian Today:

The Guardian is not well known for challenging popular LGBT views about sexuality. But on Sunday, the newspaper covered a new study showing that 7% of UK people changed sexual identity over just a six-year period.

The research, published by Demography, shows a comparable number of people moving into heterosexual identities as away from them.

Some 8.6% of those who had identified as gay or lesbian identified as heterosexual just six years later. People who had identified as bisexual were unsurprisingly the most fluid, with 44% moving to a heterosexual identity.

This was offset by small percentages of those who previously labelled themselves as heterosexual

The ‘born gay, always gay’ myth is dead. This has been well known to social scientists for years, but for the Guardian to be taking note, and covering the results honestly is a significant moment. And it has enormous implications for the proposed ‘conversion therapy’ ban.

What causes sexual fluidity?

If sexuality changes, what causes it? No one really believes that things ‘just happen’. We believe in cause and effect. If something has changed, we want to know why.

Read here


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