The Brussels gangster state

Apr 17, 2024 by

by Melanie Phillips:

The attempt to silence the National Conservatives provided a rare moment of clarity.

On Monday, I journeyed from Israel to Brussels for the two-day National Conservatism conference where I was due to speak this morning. I travelled from one war zone. I hadn’t expected to be entering another.

National Conservatism, a movement underpinned by the thinking of the Israeli-American philosopher Yoram Hazony, promotes the nation state and the defence of its historic values against the nihilism of the post-moral, anti-western and anti-human ideologies that pass for much progressive thinking.

This mainstream position is denounced as “far right” by left-wingers who use this smear to denounce anyone who dares oppose their agenda of destroying the western nation and its historic culture and values.

During last year’s National Conservatism conference in London, left-wingers went nuts about the fact that it was happening at all.

This year’s conference in Brussels produced meltdown before participants even started gathering in the Belgian capital. This was because speakers included some of the cartoon Hitlers of the feverish liberal imagination: Reform party president Nigel Farage, former Home Secretary Suella Braverman, representatives of “populist” parties such as the Flemish nationalists Vlaams Belang, the French anti-Islamist firebrand Éric Zemmour — and Satan’s granddaddy himself, the Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orbán.

Journalists who routinely smear people as “far-right” or “hard-right,” rather as if they use voodoo dolls to ward off any challenge to the purity of their partisan hatreds, deployed their familiar tactics of character assassination and guilt by association to call in advance for this “far-right” conference to be shut down.

Brussels, the headquarters of the European Union, has become ground zero of the totalitarian leftism that the NatCons fight. They therefore knew they would be gathering in the very belly of the anti-western, anti-nation state beast. But no-one could have predicted what actually then happened.

Read here

Read also:  Nasty Brussels police have just proven Brexit right – Today might well have been my most productive and fruitful day ever in Brussels, even after 20 years as an MEP  by Nigel Farage, Telegraph

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