The case for marriage that every politician should read

Oct 5, 2019 by

from The Conservative Woman:

WE have constantly argued the case for marriage in TCW and for recognising it in the tax system, on pragmatic as well as moral grounds, most recently here. 

That our society has been falling apart on marriage lines is incontrovertible – the hard evidence of this modern bifurcation is explored by Charles Murray in Coming Apart – but it is something to which our politicians pay little attention, despite its significant socio-economic, poverty and welfare implications.

Not so, however, the Marriage Foundation who have rolled their research of the last seven years into one paper and set of comprehensive data entitled Marriage as a Social Justice Issue. 

Indeed it is. Would that our otherwise virtue-signalling politicos saw it that way.

The key section in it is ‘The Socially Unjust Marriage Gap’. While marriage remains the norm amongst the better off (and those who do marry are staying married more), it has become the exception amongst lower income groups.

Read here


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